Top 10 Reasons Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Top 10 Reasons Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Top 10 Reasons Why Women Live Longer Than Men

There are many fact is about Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men and there are some of the very strong things which indicate why that is happening. Actually the one thing is women having the great bill power and them always accepting the terms which is better as well as bitter and always prepare mentally for accepting the challenges and handle the situation very carefully. So that all is also the reason and many other scientific reasons also which is also very strong and amazing and true also. That all reason is valid and has the sense of them also nobody has denied that thing.


Top 10 Reasons Why Women Live Longer Than Men
Top 10 Reasons Why Women Live Longer Than Men

This is a one of the very great and amazing part of the Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men and there some other parts are also available in the Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. Here we have to think about many strong reasons and sometimes feel is it right. So here hope is like enjoying that all reasons and watching the things are that correct or not. Well, many funny reasons also available but we are not focusing on that.

Top 10 Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men:

  1. Low Bill power

This is a one of the very famous and true Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men and here against to the men tendency women having the great bill power and that’s because they able to handle many bitter situations. This is a very much famous Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men and almost all people are known about that.

  1. Tension handling capacity is low

As compare to women, men having the low capacity to handling the tension and due to that situation this is also very famous and true Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. Tension is a cause of many problems and many people are agreed about that and this is also situated inside the list of the Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. Women are not getting the high tension and always relax by a mind.

  1. Man work in a danger area

Sometimes this is also a cause of Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men because here men work in a danger area and due to that responsibility man suffering from many critical situations. Because of this the men having a short life than women and this is the very famous cause of the world and this is also a situation and Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men.

  1. Man having the heart problem mostly

This is one also a cause and Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men and 80% of the men has suffering from the heart problem and because of that they have the short life. The heart problem also because of the tension and men are suffering from that situation and never get to come back.

  1. They are too lazy to use utensils

As compare to women men is having the less life and because of they are very lazy by nature and this is also a one of the very famous Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. This is also the term where the men are trapped with many body problems and sometimes they problem convert into the serious things. This is also term also a very famous part of the Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men.

  1. They think tires have multiples purposes

This is also a one of the very popular thing and during that situation this is also Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. There mental stress are too high and because of that people are suffering from the many of the physical problems and this is a very popular and well-known things and this is a very famous Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. Sometimes that situation will convert the migraine and brain tumor and many of the brain problems which is very bad for a human body.

  1. They like self-made weapons

This is also a one of the very famous Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men and this is a situation where men are an own enemy. So that also needs to remove the men otherwise that is the famous Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men and this is also a situation where men also feel they are in danger and this is also a very famous and critical situation and sue to scientist this is the Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men.

  1. They take too many shortcuts

Men always like to take the shortcuts in everything and this is also sometimes the Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. These are not always good for the human and due to that situation people are feeling very strong and that strong feeling and overconfidence is the cause of the death. And the women also care about safety and never take the shortcut tricks always and safe the life.

  1. Understanding power is too less

This is also the biggest Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men because the understanding level is too low and during that situation they predict the situation in the wrong term and this is a very famous thing about Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. This is a very true thing and people are agreed with that and that sometimes the cause of the enemy and unwanted things.

  1. Involves in many unnecessary things

This is also a cause and Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men because many men are given the important of the unnecessary thing which is the kind of the fight and all and that’s not good for them. There they create the unwanted enemies and this is also a part of the Reasons Why Women Live Longer than Men. This is a strong reason and that always has created the unnecessary things surrounding the men. Another hand the women are always trying to make the friend and they are safe.

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