Sukabumi indonesia travel guide
Sukabumi is a city in West Java with an area of 48.15 square kilometers and is home to 298,681 thousand people and is the smallest region in western Java. The city is located 120km south of Jakarta and 96km from the city of Bandung. Sundanese and Indonesian Language is the language used for daily conversation. Word of Sukabumi comes from Sanskrit, which means pleasure, happiness, joy and meaning Bhumi with earth, so that Sukabumi means earth of pleasure.
Through theSukabumitravel guide, travelers can get afun,and safetravel tipsrangingfrom, attractions,foodspecialtiesand the best timeto visitSukabumi. Sukabumicityeconomic developmentis slow,butwith the riseof thetourismindustryseveralinterestingattractions, givingeffect tothe city’s economy. The hospitalityactivitiesinSukabumiindirectlyalso increasedthe number ofguests staying, both local and foreign tourists. The presence oflocal and foreign touristsgives income fora local guideto point outinteresting sightsandviews.
When youbookhotels inSukabumi, visitors willfinda variety ofinformation about thehistory of thecity ofSukabumi, customs, habits oflocal residents andculinary tourismcannot be missedwhenvisitinga city. Sukabumi’s attractions withbreathtaking ocean viewand the storybehindthe mystery oftourist objects. The increasetourismindustrySukabumifacilitates visitorsto geta hotel withexceptionalfacilities and services. Improvedfacilitiesand hotel serviceswere enhancedto provide comfortandsatisfaction ofvisitors, customizedinternational standards.
According totheSukabumitravelinformation, one of the attractions inSukabumiprohibitsvisitors usinggreen-colored clothing andhad amystical storybehindthe story ofthe useof greenclothing. Sukabumilocated atthe foot of MountGedeand MountPangrangowith584kmaltitudeabove sea level witha maximum temperature of29 degreesCelsius. Based SukabumitravelinformationPangrango and GedeMountainbecomeclimber favoritespot.
Places to stay in Sukabumi
Sari Park Hotel
Sari ParkHotel is located intheSuryaKencana Street by number of rooms75 and2 types ofrooms designedfor businessand leisure.Coffee shop, room service, meeting facilities, family room, and laundry, restaurantand internet accessare availabletothe visitorsforcomfort duringtheir stay. Parkssaridesignedhotelwithcomfortable and relaxing atmospherethat makesvisitors feel at homeand wantto come back.
IskaCastleHotel is located intheSiliwangianinternational standard hotelwitha classy andluxuriousfacilityoffers comfortby providinga stunningview of themountainbark. The air andcoolatmosphere of the citySukabumimakesHotelPuriIskasuitable place forvisitorswhile inSukabumi. IskaPurihotelprovides 52number of roomsareequippedwith complete facilitiesand offersoutdooractivities.
Augusta Hotel
Augustahotelis locatedinthecukululuprovidepleasant and comfortableaccommodationwith arange offacilitiessuch as, swimming pool, parking area,vegetable gardenand more.In the middle ofthe coolairSukabumicity, Augustahoteloffersrafting activities, outbound, retreats for individualsor companies.
Resort Prima Selabintana
ResortprimaSelabintanalocated10minfrom downtownsukabumifamousforthe resting placeof thelocal and foreign tourists. Selabintanais the perfect placeto relax andget away from thehustlebustle. Allrooms SelabintanaprimaResortareequippedTV,water heater, and theservicefriendly hotelstaff.
Popular things to do and see in Sukabumi
Ujung Genteng
Ujunggentengis one of theattractions inSukabumiwithabreathtakingview of the beach. Visitors canenjoy the sunsetwhile relaxingon the beach. With theproperguide, visitors canvisit theturtle hatcheryandrelease ofyoungturtlesdoto preservethe existence ofendangeredsea turtles. At night, visitors can watchturtles lay their eggsatthe informationgivenbythe guide.
Ports queen is an interesting and popular among local and foreign tourists. Besides well-known for its natural beauty, the port is also the queen of the sea that is throwing a party buffalo head and other offerings into the sea. This tradition held the fishermen to express gratitude to God for the blessings in the form of fish catches. Sukabumi based travel information in May-October is the best time to visit the harbor queen. After enjoyingthe beauty of thebeachtourists are invitedto browse throughthe mysticalaurathatis onthe oceanbeachhotelis located300 metersfrom the beach. Sukabumitravelinformationcan be a guidefor touriststo getcomplete information about themystical auraofthe oceanbeach hotel.
Wanacipelangtourismis one of theattractionsfor visitorswho want toenjoy the atmosphereSukabumimountainous landscapewithdistinctivecharacteristics thataresuitedto relax and relievestress. Wanacipelangtourismis15kmto the northSukabumi, precisely under the foot ofthebigmountainsuhu18-20 degreesCelsius.
WanaCangkuangtourismis one of theattractionsat the foot ofthe mountainbarkis one of thepopular amongmountainclimbers. Visitors willenjoythefreshatmosphere ofnatureand natural thatprovide comfortand tranquility. With theproperguide,visitorscan be invitedtoperform trackingqueenreachescraterand waterfalltwosteps.
Cavebuniayuanatural caveformed bydissolutionanderosionof forests towaterlayersin thelimestonehillsthat occurredthousands of years. Cavebuniayube oneuniqueattractionnot to be missedwhenvisitors are inSukabumi.
Places to eat in Sukabumi
Sukabumi Restaurant
Sukabumirestaurant offerstypical Sundanese dishesare much favored, bothlocal andforeigntourists that deliciousandtempting.Visitors canenjoyhealthy foodslike, fish, vegetables, soybean, tofu combined withdelicious chili paste. Sukabumirestaurantcouldbe the right choicefor visitorsafter andbefore conductingoutboundactivities.
The restaurantofferstypical fooddegustationnusaIndonesiain particularsundanesewithdistinctive characteristics. The nusasarirestaurantnot onlyoffer sundanesebutalsopresents abroadview of themountainstowardsa comfortableand soothingeye.