Top 10 Unknown Facts about India

Unknown Facts about India

Top 10 Unknown Facts about India

This is well known and one of speechless country of the world because of its incredible creation. India is one of the prominent countries with Unknown Facts about India. There are lots of facts that are very interesting as well as unbelievable. Fact is like History, Culture, Ancient time, Civilization, Government, and Languages, etc. Peoples always ready to learn about India and many foreigners are coming to feel India’s culture and its beauty. Indian dressing sense is always got popular in around all countries. Indian food is also very popular in different countries.

No doubt India is very peaceful country in the planet, and there are many visiting places like Kashmir, Jaipur and whole Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and many more. There are many places that show India’s history by its own structure there are no need of a word for understanding that. There are countless places that are very prepossessing and peaceful too. Their culture is very good, and everyone want to feel that by own spirit and falling in them. This is the one of Unknown Facts about India. There are many of another fact which we will discuss below.

There are top 10 Unknown Facts about India:

  1. Tiger

India is the one of the most popular country where is lots of Tiger is present till now. Before sometime Madhya Pradesh was prominent by the name of tiger state but now the Karnataka is prominent for the tiger, and both of the states is situated in India. This is the one of Unknown Facts about India. Tiger is the very popular animal of India and Indian government preserve them in many zoos.

  1. Indian Army

India is listed in the largest army in the world and the first largest army is China’s, and the second one is USA and the third one is India. This is the very powerful, and this is the thing of pride. This is the India’s very illumines point, and an Indian soldiers always trying to prove themselves. This is the one of Unknown Facts about India and Indian army is very hardly working for India, and they save Indians in every bitter moment.

  1. Temples

In India many more popular temples are available, and they are very spiritual and very peaceful. Some name is there as Ashtalakshmi Temple in Hyderabad, Thrissur Pooram, Akkanna Madanna Temple. India is the country of temples and mosques and nobody negate that thing. This is the very popular but Unknown Facts about India. India is the country of many unnatural powers. There lots of wonder when we go with religion.

  1. Capital

Everyone knows about the capital of India, and the name of India’s capital is Delhi. This is very large and the metro city of India. This is also the place of administration office and very popular by the name of poetical city. This is a large one city in Industrial sector. This is also the Unknown Facts about India. This is the one of the hi-tech city in India and very big city because there are lots of employment is available.

  1. Economy

Now India was also growing economically, and this is a very positive fact for the Indian. In ancient time India well known as a rich country because there was a lot of gold are available because that time India was popular country of king/ queen and Nawabs. There are many attractive cultures and languages also present and financially this is very popular one country in the world. This is the one of Unknown Facts about India.

  1. IT (Information Technology)

Day to day India is also growing in this side. There are many largest cities which is a huge IT sector. City is Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, etc. In India, many amazing cities are available with largest companies. There are many companies are residing like Wipro, Infosys, TCS, etc. The most prominent Indian IT company is Infosys, and this is the one the top most company in India as well as World. This is also the one of Unknown Facts about India.

  1. Festival

India is also called by the name of festival countries. There are many festivals are celebrating. The most popular and amazing festival is Diwali, and national festival is Independence Day of India 15th August, and all Indian are respecting for this.     This is the one of very popular and Unknown Facts about India. No other countries can compare them with India in festival race. There is some festival that is very popular that is Holi, Diwali, Rakhi, Durga puja and may more.

  1. Nature

India was having an ultimate nature like peaceful nature, and there are highest hills areas also available. There are a lot of Lakes and amazing call of natures also available. This is a country of forest, and there is many more forest area also available. There was many forest picnic place is also present. This is the one of very Unknown Facts about India. India is very amazing and speechless country.

  1. Himalaya

This is the largest mountain of India and seventh largest mountain of the world. Himalaya is situated between the seven other mountains. This is the top most Unknown Facts about India. This also the proud thing of India and this is a very big and large mountain. This is situated between China and Nepal but this is totally situated in Nepal. Length is 2400 km of this mountain.

     10.Ganga River

This is the one of the largest river of India, and the length of this river is around 2,525 km. This is very holistic river of Hindu religious and Hindu always respecting their water and contain them water in homes. They believe about Ganga water like this is a very pure water and by this everyone can get pure their spirit. This is also the one of very Unknown Facts about India. This is the one of train Boundary River of Asia, which flow through India and Bangladesh. Source of Ganga is Gangotri Glacier, Satopanth Glacier, and Khatling Glacier.

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