Top 10 Tips for AMC Exam Preparation

AMC Exam

Top 10 Tips for AMC Exam Preparation

In this world child always try to doing them study best and get the highest rank in them exam especially they want to get the rank in the competitor exam and for that they prepare hardly. There is a subject about AMC Exam Preparation, so AMC stands for the Australian Medical Council and in many countries many children are interested in the AMC Exam Preparation. This is very popular examination and set at the level of attainment of medical knowledge, clinical skills and attitudes required of newly qualified graduates of Australian medical schools who are about to begin intern training. There we are discussing many ways for AMC Exam Preparation.


Top 10 Tips for AMC Exam Preparation
Top 10 Tips for AMC Exam Preparation

In every competitor exam, people need some special and different techniques that open the door to success, but the proper guidelines always need? So there are many techniques for AMC Exam Preparation, which is supporting you all for preparing for this examination. During AMC Exam Preparation children sometimes feel frustrated but there they need patience and confidence that make them hard for fighting with any situation during them exam. In AMC Exam Preparation, people a proper schedule for them study.

There are some great techniques for the AMC Exam Preparation:

  1. AMC 10/12 and AIME

This is very important part of the AMC Exam Preparation and in this strategy is very impressive and require for the people who include under the AMC Exam Preparation. In AMC 10 and AMC 12 are two qualifying exams for American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) and there are a standard of the score and who take the AMC 12 and achieved a score of 100 or in the top 5% are invited to take the AIME.

  1. AMC 10/12 Scoring Method

This is also very required method for the students who are involved in the AMC Exam Preparation, and this is a very great and standard method and helpful for the AMC Exam Preparation. In AMC 10 and AMC 12, there is the standard of 25 questions, and there the time limit is 75 minute. Each correct answer is worth 6 points and each unanswered question is worth 1.5 points and there are no points deducted for guessing as well as the maximum score is 150.

  1. AMC 10 Strategy

This is also a very essential series of test and this is also included in the basic points of AMC Exam Preparation. In this strategy optimal strategy is to answer 21 questions and leave 4 questions blank. This strategy allows you to spend about 3.5 minutes on each of the 21 questions you will answer and skip the four most difficult questions and that have a different technique for AMC Exam Preparation.

  1. AMC 12 Strategy

In this optimal strategy is to answer 18 questions and get 15 of them correct and seven questions unanswered. This is very required because by this student is well prepared for the exam, and this is an essential part of AMC Exam Preparation. For AMC Exam Preparation, the student needs to put some extra efforts for success. This AMC Exam Preparation is not difficult, but there need to follow this strategy.

  1. AMC 10 or AMC 12

This is also a part of the AMC Exam Preparation and these are a way where you can analyze your skill and level where you are still. This is a great part of AMC Exam Preparation and very essential if you are interested in doing AMC Exam Preparation. If you are not a junior or Senior in high school and your goal is to qualify for AIME, you should take AMC 12 if you have completed pre-calculus.

  1. Life after AIME

If you are able math students, you should work hard and try to qualify for USAJMO and USAMO. In every examination you need a dedication to your goal and in that case of AMC Exam Preparation the life after AIME is very important for you. The qualification is based on the USAMO Index, which is your AMC score plus 10 times of your AIME score. This is very helpful factor during the study of AMC Exam Preparation.


USAJMO is designed for students with grade 10, or less and the top 12 students will be invited to attend the prestigious United States Math Olympiad Summer Program (MOP). This is also a one of the very important factor of the AMC Exam Preparation, and this is required if you are going in this. Here who take AMC10 can qualify for USAJMO and only students who take AMC12 can qualify for USAMO.

  1. AMC Exam Preparation Tutorials and Workshops

Workshop and Tutorials is really helpful for your AMC Exam Preparation. There you can watch online AMC Exam Preparation tutorials and workshop and there you can get the basic know from there and online many of the video you can found here. This is an amzing way which helps you very well for your AMC Exam Preparation. Workshop is also a one of the great idea and by this you can easily manipulate your study in an easy manner.

  1. Join Videoconference Series

Videoconference series is a non-breakable method for a study, and many of the institutes can provide the lecture by video conferencing. This is a great way which helps you in an AMC Exam Preparation and by this way you can improve your skill and easy you can get the method for AMC Exam Preparation. This way is unbeatable so just try this for your AMC Exam Preparation.

  1. Join MCQ Series

MCQ stand for the Multiple Choice Question, and this is an amazing way for preparing for any exam and in the case of AMC Exam Preparation you can also choice this series. Sometime this is free, and sometimes they got some nominal charges but this is very great ways that help you for AMC Exam Preparation. Here you can join the series very well online and can get the many questions and get the tricks by this series.


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