Most Famous Facts That Are Wrong


Top 10 Most Famous Facts That Are Wrong

We have heard or learnt about many facts that are proven wrong or are actually wrong. The book itself doesn’t play a good role in telling the true facts so there are still many facts which aren’t true but in fact, they are wrong. So what we know about anything certainly is don’t know about anything certainly which therefore makes anyone to create facts because we aren’t able to sure if it’s true or not and here find the some of Most Famous Facts That Are Wrong.

These days anyone who has a site or a blog can make their own facts which can go viral if he somehow populates it within two trafficked forums. Many people make ridiculous facts about their countries, stars and politicians and much more. If you ever got trapped in these false facts make sure that you’re not now and keep in mind knowing facts that really matter is knowledge and nothing can make you believe in things rather than yourself and it’s the fact that no one can ever prove wrong. Minding that in this world there are many misconceptions, and facts that are truly fake and that’s why making a list of 10 is hard but still here’s what I think 10 most Famous Facts that are wrong.

Top Most Famous Facts That Are Wrong:

  1. John F. Kennedy’s Assassination was a Part of Larger Conspiracy

Everyone knows about the 35th President of United States John F. Kennedy  who served his nation from 1961 until his murder in 1963. And as we all knew about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on 22 November 1963, in Dallas, Texas. Where he was shot twice and after his death Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime. Though we all can make sense that it cannot just be a single person who can do all this, there has to be a larger conspiracy in the background of all this. It is almost hard to believe that a lone nut job like Lee Harvey Oswald would have done a thing effectively a murder of the century without any help. That’s why the 70% of the country believes that it’s not just a work of single person & nor have the strength to do it. Almost after 50 years still this theory is a theory. But after the arrest of Lee Harvey was also got killed by Dallas night club owner named Jack Ruby a couple of days later, in the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters makes the JFK conspiracy a big enough deal to the very day. This makes it come in the Most Famous Facts that are wrong and that it was not a work of the single person.

  1. Only 10% of our brain is used by us

We all know that the brain is the part where our the data get’s stored and transferred so it’s hard to believe that only 10% is the part we use it. In fact, it’s not true we do use 10% but may for one work at a time the other half works for synchronising the data sent by millions of body tissues and sensing organs and that’s what makes it work fully of what it’s capable. Don’t you ever think if you forget to breathe while doing some sort of serious work what could happen, but it’s only the brain that prevents you and your parts from being at rest then how anyone can say that it works only 10%? It is clear that most of us don’t use full part of our brain but 10% isn’t a good mark to say. So it makes this come in the list Most Famous Facts that are Wrong.

  1. Charles Darwin – First to conceive the Theory of Evolution

So here’s the deal that there is nothing like first there are many people working on the same strategies but the one who has the right side to move upward and show the world what he got sooner than anyone like him. After all, this was not that great theory one can assume but still it made science react somehow and made itself famous by breaking some of the facts known to the date. The theory was controversial and also by the name it is clear that it is not that hard to understand. So that what made the theory come in Most Famous Facts that are Wrong.

  1. Alexander Graham Bell – The Telephone

Nor like some simple inventions, it’s a hard to create one. The idea on which Graham Bell introduced Telephone to us has believed that someone named Elisha Gray was also working on that project even before him and made him take credit of all that. Some rumours also came to the reality that Graham Bell was not the only one working for the invention of Telephone. Which made this fact clear that the fact is in the list of Most Famous Facts that are wrong.

  1. The Wright Brothers – First To Fly an Airplane

As I have already mentioned that there is nothing like first it’s just the thing that who moves to the right step. Just likely to all the inventors Wright Brothers were also the same and proved the world what they have done for a betterment of technology. They made it clear on December 17, 1903, that they are successful in making the first controlled, powered and sustained airplane. It was also heard that an even a Russian Army Officer, Alexander Mozhaiski, supposedly accomplished the task of achieving a feat in the air before Wright Brothers in 1897. It came up on the list of Most Famous Facts that are wrong.

  1. Columbus – The First European to Discover North America

As we are watching out from the top side of this post that there are people who made them come in first to achieve something great to be called for that up to ages. Columbus was one of them to who discovered a new place before someone could and made his name written in the books of history as the first. But according to some historians, it was founded even before Columbus by Vikings named Leif Erickson, who made his way from Scandinavia to Newfoundland (500 years before). It also came on the top of Most Famous Facts that are Wrong.

  1. Body Heat Dissipates mainly through Heat

It is believed that our head is the reason for heating of the body and the only part where to control the body heat but if you go deep in search you’ll find that it’s not true. Instead, you lose just as much heat per SQ. Inch through your head as you lose through your rest of the body. And the best example of understanding it is that in winter if you go outside with your uncovered head you’ll see that your body is more warm and full of heat compared to the head of yours but if you just put a hat on your forehead, you’ll see that cold part gone away. So there are many facts like this which make themselves Most Famous Facts That are Wrong.

  1. The Great Walls Of China – The Only Man-Made Object visible from Space

Now if you ever had a chance to go to the space and to stare the earth’s surface then you’ll say the fact is ridiculously wrong and in fact, it’s just a line they had rumoured which a person can’t say who hasn’t been gone to the space at least a single time and It’s not possible for all until some sort of civilisation starts growing away from Earth. It is said that Great Walls of China are really tall and big. But still if anyone says that it’s the only man-made thing that can be viewed from the space, then no clue will be needed to prove this wrong by that not a camera lens can view at that zoom level so how can a human can view that far and say it’s the Great Wall or not. So it is in the top lists of Most Famous Facts that are Wrong.

  1. Mother Birds – They abandon their kids if you touch them

Have you ever heard of a thing like a mother abandoning her kids for just a nuisance, if you’re smart enough or else you’re a mother then you’ll understand what it is really alike? If you ever saw a baby bird lying around you what will you think of, that her mother abandoned him or is he just lost ? Think what you think, you’ll probably get to know what will happen next if her mother finds her child in your hands, the next thing you’ll do is put a bandage on your injuries made by the mother of baby bird to protect her kid. And this will make the fact a most Famous Fact that is wrong.

  1. Different parts of your Tongue detects different types of tastes

There are many people who think that different part of tongue tastes the different types of tastes and in person I didn’t this true in fact I can say that no one did, in spite the least one person saying this fact. The fact is that if you put something at your tip of the tongue it will taste different after that you inhale it in you’ll find different than before that is because the first taste was absorbed by you and the later on comes to you by its nature of sour. It makes sense why all these things come in the Most famous Facts that are wrong.

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