Smallest Colleges

Smallest Colleges

Top 10 Smallest Colleges

Each one knows about the colleges and here we are talking about the top most Smallest Colleges in the world and that is because largest colleges are known by everyone one few of the people has to move the side of Smallest Colleges. So here are the famous Smallest Colleges of the world which is having good study skill, great management, and everything is better like others but after this is small. In a college’s student has been enjoying with multiple activities like the party, learning, study, drama and friendship and the student has free to doing and live the life. It’s very amazing part of life when we will grow up with the college after schooling.

All most all student has been enjoying when they enter the class on the first day of colleges so there are a top most Smallest Colleges of the world which has the different position in the world. Along the world various colleges are present but some of the colleges are doing better role inside the study and all most all activity so will see that kind of the small level colleges and  make over its history effectively.

Top 10 Smallest Colleges of the world:

  1. Holy Apostles College and Seminary – 260 Students

This college is founded in 1956 and has located in Cromwell and famous as the popular but Smallest Colleges of the world. Holy Apostles College and Seminary is focused on the training and other priest and official church which has the very important part of it and made it decent then others. This college also offers the other achievement for the students like Philosophy or Theology degree which plays the online role.

  1. College of Visual Arts – 172 Students

College of Visual Arts is a very famous art college and this is also situated inside the list of Smallest Colleges. This college is having approx  172 students and founded in 1924. This college is situated in Saint Paul, Minnesota and there the student has known the importance of integrating visual arts as well as the liberal arts. This college has been putting the more focus on various  types of arts ranging which is from a sculpture.

  1. Burlington College – 168 Students

This is a college and school which is located in East Coast, and that was built in 1972 and its an very important part of the Smallest Colleges of the world. This college has one speciality like the student has been going in the abord after the study from here and this is an amazing part for the students. Here the Treasury Department has been approval from Cuba and that’s very positive thing for the students here.

  1. Art Academy of Cincinnati – 156 Students

Art Academy of Cincinnati is a very famed regular Smallest Colleges and that was founded in 1869 and has McMicken School of Design.  This is a very famous college in the USA and that has been offering the four-degree programs like Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fine Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art History and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication Arts, Associate of Science in Graphic Design etc and that are four major degrees of this college.

  1. Bryn Athyn College of the New Church – 155 Students

Bryn Athyn is a very famous college of the world and that has been established in Pennsylvania in 1877. That is very oldest but Smallest Colleges and that has been great study are doing by students. That was first used via the train ministers in 1877. That has been a mainely focus in the New Church and its teachings which have based on the thing of ideas and life of Emanuel Swedenborg.

  1. Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts – 151 Students

Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts is a very famous Smallest Colleges situated in Old Lyme. Student always takes the advantages of it about a prime place and its very famous college about the study as well as situated at the good location. There the main interest is art, painting, sculpting, or drawing etc.  This college is widely part of the New York and also time spoke out ever.

  1. Sterling College – 105 Students

Sterling College is situated in the northern Green Mountains of Vermont and this is also a famed Smallest Colleges. This is an art college and spread in the six major areas. The there education system is Natural History, Sustainable Agriculture, Outdoor Education & Leadership, Environmental Humanities, Conservation Ecology etc. that has the very attractive way to engaging the students and here approx 105 students has been studying.

  1. Thomas More College – 84 Students

Thomas More College is very Smallest Colleges with the 84 students approx. That has been spread at 14 acres in Merrimack in New Hampshire. This is a very famous Roman Catholic college and here the students are studying one semester in the Italy and its a very famous college in the world because of this quality. Here the students can be visited over 100 baroque churches which have the great experience about it.

  1. Shimer College – 81 Students

Shimer College is at 81 students and this is Shimer College and a great college in Chicago. This college has been completed 157 years and has been founded in France which is the very impressive thing. This is the very famous college with three major offers like natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences. There are lots of attention get through The Bible.

  1. Alaska Bible College – 38 Students

Alaska Bible College is a very famous part of the Alaska Bible College and Smallest Colleges in the United States of America. The aims of the college have situated under the hands-on ministry which is as the join god and also the follow his footsteps and its very famous part of the Smallest Colleges. This is a very famous and old college and around 40 years has been completed and this is an amazing college. This is a top most college ever.

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