Top 10 Facts about Islam

Facts about Islam

Top 10 Facts about Islam

Islam is a very popular religion, and this is very great religion of the world. They people well maintain and them culture is also very great and holy. They are very punctual in time and worship which is very great for them and world famous. This is the better of one religion and in this everything is different but very interesting and well maintain. That culture, the holy place and attire and the entire thing is very great. These are the Facts about Islam, and this is very great thing and there you can see many more things which are different than others.


Top 10 Facts about Islam
Top 10 Facts about Islam

There we are discussing the Facts about Islam that is very different and very amazing religion and this is the very ultimate thing. There are many Islamic countries and they are very great country of the world. Islam is the best religion and this is the very great religion and famous for them attire and by attire they represent them culture which is very great thing about this Islamic country and this is a different than others. There are many more positive Facts about Islam, which is very great so follow them.

There are some Facts about Islam:

  1. Marriage

This is a great thing and Amazing Facts about Islam and in this Muslim man can do marriage in four times. This is a true and in this many of the condition that they need to follow. This is a different from the others, and this is the great thing of them and there is no need of any adjustment with them marriage that is sometimes great.

  1. Attire

They have great attire, and this is the best thing about them, and this is the Facts about Islam. They are wearing a dress in combination for man and woman, and this is a great and amazing dressing. Dressing always represents their culture, and this is a very good thing about any particular attire. This is a great thing and amazing thing and Facts about Islam.

  1. Hajj

This is the very famous holy journey about the Hajj, and this is a great thing about the Islam, and this is the great Facts about Islam. This is an amazing journey and many times thousands of the people are going to this side, and the most popular Hajj place is Macca, and this is situated in Saudi Arabia. This is a great thing about them, and this is very pure holy place of Muslim and they covered in black clothes that are called the Kaba.

  1. Women in Islam

Women in Islam are represented and treated as equals to men, and this is the best thing and Facts about Islam. Islam has always preached equality of sexes since the beginning, and this is an equal thing about the Islam. Islam is very great religion and amazing thing that have many which now need full, and they respect them women very well. They have very positive thinking and them corporate with the peoples.

  1. Holy Quran

This is the very powerful and famous tractate and very famous Facts about Islam. This is very famous Holy book of Muslim and they people are respecting them by heart and soul. People are very interested to learn them and this is a very powerful tractate and Muslim is read this book in Masques, which is the holy place of Islam. Quran has been accepted by scholars of all religion as an authentic literature, and this is world famous holy book.

  1. Science and Islam

Quran is a great book in Islam and Quran is the book of Islam talks about all the things that have happened and which will happen. Scientists were found out that Quran that was written 1400 years back had mentioned about the existence of an atom and nucleus. This is the best thing about Islam, and this is the famous Facts about Islam and amazing fact and interesting also.

  1. Zakat

No others religion on this Earth that makes the payment of tax as a part of religion and this is one of the pillars on which Islam stands. In this every Muslim is required to pay Zakat which is 2.5% of his annual savings and property and this is very interesting and different Facts about Islam and this is different to others and this is the famous in whole world. No other one has the same thing, so this is other from all.

  1. Pillars of Islam

Islam has five famous pillars like Faith, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj and which are very attractive Facts about Islam. This is a different from all, and these all are very important about the Islam and these are the world famous, and that is very attractive thing. These pillars make them perfect and holy them religions that are very powerful fact about Islam. This is the different concept them others and this is amazing concept which is great.

  1. Religion of peace

They are before some time got the tag like terrorist, but this is not true because they like peace, and this is a positive thing about them. This is the one of the fact which is more popular in the world, and this is an amazing fact. They are as of peace, and they are like to make a peaceful atmosphere around all the side. This is very allure concept of them that is no others think.

  1. Kalma

Islam stands on one belief that is called Tawheed, and this is the Facts about Islam that is also different by the others, and this is very apart thing then other religions. This is just like a messenger, and this is very different and they are respecting this thing and all Muslims are aware that and doing that. All Muslim are included in this thing that is very popular in them life, and this is directly related to them Allah and this is a very common fact in Islam.

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